Contemporary artworks

a traditional touch blended into a playful modern imagination.

“I love to portray creatures in their element. They can be so effortlessly regal and graceful. Showcasing expressive fundamental or mythical behaviors that hold aesthetic value- being themselves beautifully and imaginatively. Playing, hunting, lounging, enjoying a meal, with a creative twist. When it’s a landscape, maybe surreal elements and dreamlike lighting.”

-Zoë on painting the world we know with a veil of imaginative surrealism.

This medium is accompanied by digital art. It creates streamline visual packages for entrepreneurs, businesses, bands, or musicians, anybody who needs to create custom logos, signs, posters, or portfolio revision/design. Using Zoë’s design rendering capabilities to help express your brand or project. High-resolution renderings are created from scratch using the latest tech: Procreate, Adobe Services, and Apple Pencil on iPad. This allows Zoë to increase detail and make revisions with ease. Once complete, your designs will be provided digitally via USB stick or web.

“they come alive on the wall”

Original Artworks

Special Projects

Acylic & Oil & ink


Let’s make a painting.

Zoe will create personalized art for you on a shell, canvas, wood, or wall. Frequently requested themes include; pet portraits, favorite location/building, favorite photo, animal, etc. Frequently requested shells designs include; favorite creature, home state silhouette, phrase, name, special date, logo. Perfect gifts for weddings, holidays, birthdays, businesses, or to simply treat yourself.

Truly anything is possible, try me.
(603) 988-6988



